Plan Your Visit
Communication Card
Please fill this out during the worship service.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Apartment, suite, etc.
Postal / Zip Code
Name(s) of other family members attending with you:
If you've moved, have a new phone number, or email address, please check the box below so we can update our records.
Check here if the office needs to update your records.
Please check the box that best describes you:
First time guest at Calvary
Second time guest at Calvary
Regular attender at Calvary
Member at Calvary
Children's Church Teacher
We have an immediate need for a children's church teacher on the second Sunday of each month in the Kindergarten through 2nd grade room. No experience required, only a desire to want to share God’s Word with a group of children in a classroom setting. Lessons and training will be supplied. Please contact Lynda Rice 734-417-2111 to find out more about this opportunities.
I am interested in the children's church teaching opportunity.
Men's Softball
The men's softball season begins in April . We play two games each Saturday evening from late April through mid-July. The cost will depend on the number of players who sign up and will be announced later. Sign up now if you are at least 14 years old (or turn 14 during 2025) and want to play.
I want to sign up for Men's Softball
Prayer Requests & Etc.
In response to today's message:
I would like to become a Christian.
Prayer request, need, or anything else you'd like to share?
If you put something in the box above, answer this:
Please inform the prayer team of my request.
Please keep this private among the pastors only.