World Missions

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Here are the ministries and missionaries New Arbor supports with prayer and monthly financial support.

FiveStone Churches

New Arbor is a partner church in the FiveStone Churches network. FiveStone is a church-planting, church-strengthening network led by Gordon Zwirkoski. At FiveStone, we build life-giving churches that make, baptize and teach disciples of Jesus Christ. We plant new churches, strengthen steady churches, renew struggling churches. We love the Lord and build disciples through strong local churches. We Edify, Protect, Encourage and Support church shepherds.

Eric Johnson

Cru at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Eric is an elder here at New Arbor Bible Church and serves students at the University of Michigan with the ministry of Cru. The vision of Cru is to turn lost students into Christ-centered laborers. The strategy to accomplish this is called Win, Build, Send. Students are first won to Christ through personal evangelism. Then they are built into through one-on-one discipleship, teaching, and training, and then they are sent into the world, to do the exact same thing: win, build, and send. This is what Jesus modeled for us in His earthly ministry.

For access to Eric's messages delivered here at New Arbor, click here.
To visit Eric's Facebook page and connect with him, click here.

Tim Miskimen

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Tim and his wife Charlene live in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Tim serves with the Asia Biblical Theological Seminary, an accredited, graduate school of Bible and Theology with over 300 students pursuing Masters degrees. These students come from all over Southeast Asia and gather for two-week modular classes in multiple locations. Students stay in ministry and in Asia.

Rich Ramirez

Director of Corporate Security

SEND International

Rich is an elder here at New Arbor Bible Church and serves as Director of Corporate Security for SEND International. SEND’s focus is the 40% of the world’s population considered unreached, through the efforts of 500+ missionaries in  Asia, Europe, Eurasia and North America who live out the gospel alongside the people they hope to reach.

As Director of Corporate Security Rich prepares people of all ages, and nationalities, to wisely engage in service to the Lord with boldness, legitimacy and competence and to be safe, while helping them see the cost of discipleship. As a founding member of other organizations, he prepares individuals to protect children from exploitation and abuse while practicing the best practice standards of security. As a member of the Faith Based Organization Working Group at the U.S. State Department of State he has helped create an atmosphere of trust and respect for religious workers worldwide while building capacity and resilience into the advancement of the Gospel so others may hear and live.

Contact Rich at

Jeff Thomas

Jeff serves with Training Leaders International, a ministry of serving and strengthening the global church by providing biblical and theological training in cross-cultural contexts.


New Arbor Bible Church also has relationships with other missionaries, including some who serve in areas that are less open to the gospel. For security reasons, their identities have been withheld.